30DayStays© exists in order to connect Guests that need to find a "Home away from Home" for a minimum of 30 Days, with Serviced Accommodation providers that provide high quality houses.
We work directly with 100's of companies that need to find accommodation for their workers. This includes contractors, insurance companies, major employers, international travellers etc.
List Your Property and start hosting guests!
Our Hosts provide hotel standard accommodation at some of the lowest pricing on the market. With all ameneties & modern conveniences included as standard.
Our team is always available to answer any queries from guests or hosts. Contact us with any query and we will get back you straight away.
All the properties listed on our website are fully furnished and ready to move in to a hotel standard. We verify & vet all of them to ensure they meet our high quality standards.
30DayStays© is a subsidiary brand that is wholly owned and operated by Infinity Real Estate Investments Ltd. All rights reserved.